Mastering the Art of the Change in State of Delivery
Mastering the Art of the Change in State of Delivery
The Purpose of the Mini Series is to facilitate proper and concise understandings around algorithmic principle. Shifting each traders paradigm into the true “logic” behind price delivery
We aim to move beyond just distributing fancy terminology and instead IPDA X has revolutionized the way in which we help smart money traders defog a lot of their misconceptions around the inner workings of IPDA or the Inter Bank Price Delivery Algorithm
With this mini series we wish to introduce you to our profound way of “thinking” about price.
Introducing you to the change in state of delivery whilst blending many other concepts.
Many of you watching this have learned “what” to think however the missing link to closing the gap of what you know and your bottom line results stands on the foundation of developing your understanding of HOW to think about price.
Price delivery is systematic therefore our “thinking” must also be systematic if we want more objectivity in our trading & that is what this mini series introduces you to!